Dr. Mihail Avramov

Course of life:

1965 born in Stara Zagora, Bulgaria.

1979 -1984 secondary education in the Lycee Fracais - Stara Zagora, Bulgaria.

1986 - 1991 Ms.Sci University of Sofia "St. Climent Ohridsky", Sofia, Bulgaria,

Theoretical Chemistry and Chemical Physics.

1991 - Assistant Professor - University of Sofia "St. Climent Ohridski" dept. Physical Chemistry

1997 - CEO - New Technology Software - Sofia Bulgaria

2002 - Dr. (PhD) degree - "Role of Line tension in Phase Formation"

2003 - Chief Assistant Professor - University of Sofia "St. Climent Ohridski" dept. Physical Chemistry

2005 - CEO - Bulgarian Software Solutions - Sofia Bulgaria

2015 - CEO - Microvision-lab - Sofia Bulgaria

2017 - CEO - Metrology-lab - Sofia Bulgaria

Contact information:

e-mail: mavramov@chem.uni-sofia.bg , avramov@bssbg.com, avramov@ntsbg.com , avramov@metrology-lab.solutions, avramov@microvision.camera

phone: +359 2 9621165

mobile: +359 87 8726471

web sites: http://www.metrology-lab.com , www.bssbg.com