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Dr. Mihail Avramov
Research Interest
Device for measurement of contact angles in static conditions
Laser module for linear laser beam
Optical Microscopy Reconstruction of 3D objects
Robotized stage for optical microscopy
Seam Tracking camera for welding robot
Setup of Student Metrological Lab
Tracking system for moving droplets
Selected publications
Application Programming (C#, Java)
Chemical Informatics
Data and Image Processing
Embedded systems In Chemichal Devices
Metrological Practicum
Calibration of a force sensors
Calibration of pH electrod and verification of it's linearity
Calibration of vibration sensor
Investigation of the behaviour of Peltier Based thermostate
Measurement of efficiency of differnt type of electric bulbs
Measuring of Impedance of a Cable
Measuring of torque of servo motor / linear servo actuator
Themographic analyses of electronic board deffects and board efficiency of cooling
Physical and Colloid Chemistry (Ph. 2 Comp. Chem.)
Sensor Measurements
Statistics and Data analyses (ICS, PDM&NIT)
Results before exam 20/21 winter
Допълнителни материали
POD & NIT 2017-2018
results 17-18 summer
ИКС - Летен 2016 Резултати
ИКС тест 2017 - резултати
Комп Химия ФХ 2 с КХ 2017 летен - резултати
Консултации ПОД и НИТ 2016/17 zimen 2-ри Курс Химия
Курсови Работи 2016/2017 - зимен
Обработка на данни и изображения - 2016 Летен Теми за презентация
Обработка на данни и изображения - 2016/2017 Зимен Теми за презентация
Обработка на данни и изображения - 2019 зимен
ПОД и НИТ - Резултати 19/20 втори курс Химия
Резултати 17/18 и оценки
Резултати 2016/2017 ПОД и НИТ
Dr. Mihail Avramov
Research Interest
Device for measurement of contact angles in static conditions
Laser module for linear laser beam
Optical Microscopy Reconstruction of 3D objects
Robotized stage for optical microscopy
Seam Tracking camera for welding robot
Setup of Student Metrological Lab
Tracking system for moving droplets
Selected publications
Application Programming (C#, Java)
Chemical Informatics
Data and Image Processing
Embedded systems In Chemichal Devices
Metrological Practicum
Calibration of a force sensors
Calibration of pH electrod and verification of it's linearity
Calibration of vibration sensor
Investigation of the behaviour of Peltier Based thermostate
Measurement of efficiency of differnt type of electric bulbs
Measuring of Impedance of a Cable
Measuring of torque of servo motor / linear servo actuator
Themographic analyses of electronic board deffects and board efficiency of cooling
Physical and Colloid Chemistry (Ph. 2 Comp. Chem.)
Sensor Measurements
Statistics and Data analyses (ICS, PDM&NIT)
Results before exam 20/21 winter
Допълнителни материали
POD & NIT 2017-2018
results 17-18 summer
ИКС - Летен 2016 Резултати
ИКС тест 2017 - резултати
Комп Химия ФХ 2 с КХ 2017 летен - резултати
Консултации ПОД и НИТ 2016/17 zimen 2-ри Курс Химия
Курсови Работи 2016/2017 - зимен
Обработка на данни и изображения - 2016 Летен Теми за презентация
Обработка на данни и изображения - 2016/2017 Зимен Теми за презентация
Обработка на данни и изображения - 2019 зимен
ПОД и НИТ - Резултати 19/20 втори курс Химия
Резултати 17/18 и оценки
Резултати 2016/2017 ПОД и НИТ
Dr. Mihail Avramov
Research Interest
Device for measurement of contact angles in static conditions
Laser module for linear laser beam
Optical Microscopy Reconstruction of 3D objects
Robotized stage for optical microscopy
Seam Tracking camera for welding robot
Setup of Student Metrological Lab
Tracking system for moving droplets
Selected publications
Application Programming (C#, Java)
Chemical Informatics
Data and Image Processing
Embedded systems In Chemichal Devices
Metrological Practicum
Calibration of a force sensors
Calibration of pH electrod and verification of it's linearity
Calibration of vibration sensor
Investigation of the behaviour of Peltier Based thermostate
Measurement of efficiency of differnt type of electric bulbs
Measuring of Impedance of a Cable
Measuring of torque of servo motor / linear servo actuator
Themographic analyses of electronic board deffects and board efficiency of cooling
Physical and Colloid Chemistry (Ph. 2 Comp. Chem.)
Sensor Measurements
Statistics and Data analyses (ICS, PDM&NIT)
Results before exam 20/21 winter
Допълнителни материали
POD & NIT 2017-2018
results 17-18 summer
ИКС - Летен 2016 Резултати
ИКС тест 2017 - резултати
Комп Химия ФХ 2 с КХ 2017 летен - резултати
Консултации ПОД и НИТ 2016/17 zimen 2-ри Курс Химия
Курсови Работи 2016/2017 - зимен
Обработка на данни и изображения - 2016 Летен Теми за презентация
Обработка на данни и изображения - 2016/2017 Зимен Теми за презентация
Обработка на данни и изображения - 2019 зимен
ПОД и НИТ - Резултати 19/20 втори курс Химия
Резултати 17/18 и оценки
Резултати 2016/2017 ПОД и НИТ
Investigation of the behaviour of Peltier Based thermostate
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